29 results - showing 1 to 12.
  1. Inflatable Structures

    Aviatema Equipment inflatable structures for commercial/military aircraft maintenance,  military personel training, equipment storage room, emergency response facilities, etc.

  2. Gensets available from stock

    SIA RĪGAS DĪZELIS DG a manufacturer of gensets for various application, offer units that are ready for dispatch (in stock).



  3. Working capital financing. Invoice ...

    Special working capital financing solutions and conditions for DAIF members of Latvia. Contribute to the growth and development of your business and work to achieve DAIF security goals and objectives with non-stop working capital that unlocks full...

  4. End-to-end digital platform for ...

    The Oversee - a complete end-to-end platform for resource management, control and efficiency increase increase - based on the LEAN principles of management. The Oversee consists of a desktop web platform and a mobile app for remote control, equipm...

  5. Minelayer

    Mehāniskā prettanku mīnu ieklāšanas sistēma TML-1

    Izmantojot šo mehānisko prettanku mīnu ieklāšanas sistēmu TML-1, kritiskā situācijā, īsā laikā var izveidot lielus prettanku mīnu laukus.