18 results - showing 1 to 12.

    Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is the first step in complete cybersecurity awareness of your brand. The result is a collection of information collected through various Internet channels, including the Dark-web. Information may contain leaked dat...

  2. Minelayer

    Mehāniskā prettanku mīnu ieklāšanas sistēma TML-1

    Izmantojot šo mehānisko prettanku mīnu ieklāšanas sistēmu TML-1, kritiskā situācijā, īsā laikā var izveidot lielus prettanku mīnu laukus. 


    Modulārais Faradeja Būris (MFB) nodrošina radio frekvenču signālu ekranēšanu. Tā kā MFB ir neatkarīga konstrukcija, tā nav paliekoši jāizbūvē kādā vienā konkrētā telpā. MFB ir konstruēts, lai atbilstu NATO SDIP ekranēšanas standartiem. Tehnikai, k...

  4. Mopshera - Military grade ...

    The Lightweight Tactical All Terrain Vehicle Mosphera enables individual, all-terrain mobility for a myriad of deployed special force operations in austere locations. 

  5. Floodlighting

    Floodlights intended for lighting large areas, the maximum power of the largest floodlight is 700W

  6. Assembling and kitting

    SILMOR ofers a contract manufacturing dealing exclusively with assembling and kitting products for other companies.The company provides both partial, and final assembly services:

    • assembly of several components;
    • assembly of several finished articl...

  7. Membrane switches and graphic ...

    Membrane switches control the operation of a wide variety of equipment and add to the visual impact for a user in an attractive and easily understandable form. SILMOR provides membrane switch technical and visual design, as well as production. We ...