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9 results.
  1. Tactical AR and Drone ...

    The Company is developing multi focal Augmented Reality (AR) headsets that are based on proprietary volumetric near-eye micro display deep tech. IP of optical architecture of headsets has been protected with 33 patent applications and 14 granted p...


    Modulārais Faradeja Būris (MFB) nodrošina radio frekvenču signālu ekranēšanu. Tā kā MFB ir neatkarīga konstrukcija, tā nav paliekoši jāizbūvē kādā vienā konkrētā telpā. MFB ir konstruēts, lai atbilstu NATO SDIP ekranēšanas standartiem. Tehnikai, k...

  3. Ballistic coating for bomb ...

    Known in military and research circles as an Energy Resistant Coating (ERC), PAXCON coating is flexible, yet stronger than steel. This means that walls outfitted with the unique PAXCON coating can withstand explosions up to 20 times greater than a...