20 results - showing 13 to 20.

    Light, comfortable and ergonomic trousers for extreme conditions. Intended to be used as an outer combat hard shell layer. Meets NATO requirements for multi-climate mode


    Two compartment backpack with drop-off bag (top cover). Intended for carrying assault, extended patrol, and existence loads of necessary gear, clothing, ammunition, water, MREs, IFAKs, radios, weapons, laptops for various types of missions. Ideal ...

  3. Trauma Simulator

    Exonicus Trauma Simulator is a virtual reality emergency training simulator that helps train critical life saving decision making skills in a safe environment.

  4. Assembling and kitting

    SILMOR ofers a contract manufacturing dealing exclusively with assembling and kitting products for other companies.The company provides both partial, and final assembly services:

    • assembly of several components;
    • assembly of several finished articl...

  5. Minelayer

    Mehāniskā prettanku mīnu ieklāšanas sistēma TML-1

    Izmantojot šo mehānisko prettanku mīnu ieklāšanas sistēmu TML-1, kritiskā situācijā, īsā laikā var izveidot lielus prettanku mīnu laukus. 

  6. Clients Flow Control

    Clients flow control system counts the number of customers inside the premises in real-time.

  7. Inflatable Structures

    Aviatema Equipment inflatable structures for commercial/military aircraft maintenance,  military personel training, equipment storage room, emergency response facilities, etc.