8 results.
  1. Tactical AR and Drone ...

    The Company is developing multi focal Augmented Reality (AR) headsets that are based on proprietary volumetric near-eye micro display deep tech. IP of optical architecture of headsets has been protected with 33 patent applications and 14 granted p...

  2. Meeting Minutes Recording Solution ...

    TIX is a meeting minutes solution that combines audio and written meeting minutes advantages, while being platform independant and user friendly. TIX allows to do audio meeting minutes in real time and to generate an interactive PDF file with audi...

  3. FLEXStor: mērogojama augstas veiktspējas ...

    FLEXStor ir “viss vienā” jeb hiperkonverģētas infrastruktūras risinājums, kurā ietilpst klasterēta skaitļošanas platforma, programmdefinēta datu glabātuve un virtualizācija.


    Modulārais Faradeja Būris (MFB) nodrošina radio frekvenču signālu ekranēšanu. Tā kā MFB ir neatkarīga konstrukcija, tā nav paliekoši jāizbūvē kādā vienā konkrētā telpā. MFB ir konstruēts, lai atbilstu NATO SDIP ekranēšanas standartiem. Tehnikai, k...

  5. Mopshera - Military grade ...

    The Lightweight Tactical All Terrain Vehicle Mosphera enables individual, all-terrain mobility for a myriad of deployed special force operations in austere locations.