11 results.
  1. AIRO hot air pellet ...

    GRANDEG AIRO.-It’s meant for warehouses, manufactures and other areas in need of a simple yet efficient plug&play heating solution. The AIRO series pellet heating boilers are easy to install and move, and the hot air flow quickly heats up any ...


    The basis of our concept for property management complex package – unifying specialists from various areas in one unit under one management. We offer full service package where our clients can deal with one contractor regarding all necessary servi...


    Modulārais Faradeja Būris (MFB) nodrošina radio frekvenču signālu ekranēšanu. Tā kā MFB ir neatkarīga konstrukcija, tā nav paliekoši jāizbūvē kādā vienā konkrētā telpā. MFB ir konstruēts, lai atbilstu NATO SDIP ekranēšanas standartiem. Tehnikai, k...

  4. Minelayer

    Mehāniskā prettanku mīnu ieklāšanas sistēma TML-1

    Izmantojot šo mehānisko prettanku mīnu ieklāšanas sistēmu TML-1, kritiskā situācijā, īsā laikā var izveidot lielus prettanku mīnu laukus. 

  5. Floodlighting

    Floodlights intended for lighting large areas, the maximum power of the largest floodlight is 700W

  6. Penguin C MIL VTOL

    The Penguin C MIL VTOL small tactical unmanned aircraft has vertical takeoff and landing capability and extreme endurance for this class of aircraft. Its flight endurance of 14+ hours (payload dependent) and 180 km range meets the requirements of ...

  7. Penguin C MIL Mk2

    Penguin C Mk2 MIL is a long-endurance, long-range unmanned aircraft system designed for demanding operations. Its endurance of up to 25 h (payload dependent) and with a line-of-sight range of 180 km makes it a competent unmanned platform that meet...