18 results - showing 1 to 12.
  1. ForestRadar

    Our unique ForestRadar Change detection technology uses a combination of Synthetic Apperture Radar (SAR) satellite data, multispectral optical satellite imagery and Machine Learning (ML) algorithms to precisely detect new clear-cut, fire-burnt and...

  2. FLEXStor: mērogojama augstas veiktspējas ...

    FLEXStor ir “viss vienā” jeb hiperkonverģētas infrastruktūras risinājums, kurā ietilpst klasterēta skaitļošanas platforma, programmdefinēta datu glabātuve un virtualizācija.

  3. AIRO hot air pellet ...

    GRANDEG AIRO.-It’s meant for warehouses, manufactures and other areas in need of a simple yet efficient plug&play heating solution. The AIRO series pellet heating boilers are easy to install and move, and the hot air flow quickly heats up any ...

  4. Minelayer

    Mehāniskā prettanku mīnu ieklāšanas sistēma TML-1

    Izmantojot šo mehānisko prettanku mīnu ieklāšanas sistēmu TML-1, kritiskā situācijā, īsā laikā var izveidot lielus prettanku mīnu laukus. 

  5. Military training systems and ...

    Theissen Training Systems (TTS) is one of the world's leading manufacturers of live-fire training applications with production sites in Germany, Belgium and North America. TTS develops, produces and installs complete training range systems for Sma...