26 results - showing 13 to 24.

    Open-source intelligence (OSINT) is the first step in complete cybersecurity awareness of your brand. The result is a collection of information collected through various Internet channels, including the Dark-web. Information may contain leaked dat...

  2. End-to-end digital platform for ...

    The Oversee - a complete end-to-end platform for resource management, control and efficiency increase increase - based on the LEAN principles of management. The Oversee consists of a desktop web platform and a mobile app for remote control, equipm...

  3. Ballistic coating for bomb ...

    Known in military and research circles as an Energy Resistant Coating (ERC), PAXCON coating is flexible, yet stronger than steel. This means that walls outfitted with the unique PAXCON coating can withstand explosions up to 20 times greater than a...

  4. Anti-spall coating PX-2100

    PAXCON Spall Lining - PX-2100 is a spray applied coating that absorbs the impact from projectiles preventing both the projectile and the armoured plating from creating spall.

  5. Software for mobile and ...

    Core functionality of SKUDRA includes:

    1. Spectrum scanning
    2. Automatic signal detection
    3. Measurement data aggregation
    4. Accumulated colour coded spectrum
    5. Essential information at once
    6. Spectrum user identification
    7. Time plots
    8. Long term storage

  6. FLEXStor: mērogojama augstas veiktspējas ...

    FLEXStor ir “viss vienā” jeb hiperkonverģētas infrastruktūras risinājums, kurā ietilpst klasterēta skaitļošanas platforma, programmdefinēta datu glabātuve un virtualizācija.

  7. TACTICAL (HF) dipola antenna ...

    HF-2-30 dipole antenna is for connection to military shortwave (HF) radio transceivers like „HARRIS” RF-5800 series or „Motorola” for tactical field operation application in HF radio frequency band (2,0-30 MHz).

  8. Vehicular adapter BV-5800

    The manpack vehicular adapter BV-5800 provides the ability to connect the manpack to the antenna in vehicular and shipboard applications. The adapter allows a standard RF-5800 series manpack radio to directly connect to the antenna without an exte...

  9. Discone antenna VHF 30/90

    The antenna VHF 30/90 is a wide low band discone antenna, intended primarily for tactical use. The antenna elements are made of aluminium materials, ensuring low weight and excellent resistance against  atmospheric influences. In spite of a low we...