29 results - showing 13 to 24.
  1. Anti-spall coating PX-2100

    PAXCON Spall Lining - PX-2100 is a spray applied coating that absorbs the impact from projectiles preventing both the projectile and the armoured plating from creating spall.

  2. Special application gensets (30-80 ...

    RIGAS DIZELIS DG specializes in designing and production of highly efficient, robust and reliable diesel generating sets for military applications. Having its own design bureau company is able to develop non-standard equipment solutions. Gensets a...

  3. Assembling and kitting

    SILMOR ofers a contract manufacturing dealing exclusively with assembling and kitting products for other companies.The company provides both partial, and final assembly services:

    • assembly of several components;
    • assembly of several finished articl...

  4. PACKING MATERIAL - all ...

    All kind and type of packing material, boxes and crates


    If by any reason you have decided to pack the items yourself, or packing service is not included in your relocation contract, by all means, we recommend using only high-quality packaging ma...

  5. Trauma Simulator

    Exonicus Trauma Simulator is a virtual reality emergency training simulator that helps train critical life saving decision making skills in a safe environment.

  6. TACTICAL (HF) dipola antenna ...

    HF-2-30 dipole antenna is for connection to military shortwave (HF) radio transceivers like „HARRIS” RF-5800 series or „Motorola” for tactical field operation application in HF radio frequency band (2,0-30 MHz).

  7. Membrane switches and graphic ...

    Membrane switches control the operation of a wide variety of equipment and add to the visual impact for a user in an attractive and easily understandable form. SILMOR provides membrane switch technical and visual design, as well as production. We ...

  8. Printing on various surfaces

    Due to wide range of technological options, SILMOR can provide direct printing on various surfaces and materials: on even planes, folded bodies, boxes, objects, on plastic, metal, cardboard, glass, wood, and fiber materials.

  9. Vehicular adapter BV-5800

    The manpack vehicular adapter BV-5800 provides the ability to connect the manpack to the antenna in vehicular and shipboard applications. The adapter allows a standard RF-5800 series manpack radio to directly connect to the antenna without an exte...